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Christina Massey

How To Increase Your Daily Productivity

Are you a business owner that struggles with staying productive in your business? Does it always seem like there’s too much work and not enough time every day? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, or you’re feeling overwhelmed in your business, then I want to share with you the three ways I maximize my own productivity and that of my clients!

Learn How To Automate

The beautiful thing about running a business now is the fact that technology has gotten so good, that you can basically automate anything that you want to. That doesn’t mean that you SHOULD automate everything, but there are definitely tasks in your business that should be automated.

Things like your email marketing, paying your business bills, and your social media content are all examples of things that make sense to automate. When you do this, it takes something off your plate and frees you up to spend time on things that are more important.

Let’s be real: as business owners, we already have enough things to do, so taking some time in the beginning to automate the things that make sense will greatly save you time down the road.

Know What You Can Delegate

Let me give you my top tip as a business coach: when you start making money in your business, one of the first things you should do is look to hire people. I see so many business owners start making a little money, and instead of putting it back into their business, they use it for personal things.

This is a big mistake! When you re-invest back into your business, it allows you to do things like hire people, which is one of the best things you can do. I always suggest making a list of all the people you want to hire, then listing them in order of importance, that way, when the time comes, you’ll know exactly who to hire.

Hiring is important, because it takes something off your plate that you’re not good at, and lets you replace that time with the money-making tasks that you ARE good at, which exponentially increases the amount of results and money you make in your business.

Make sure that you’re prioritizing the growth of your business by hiring great people to help you grow your business!

Figure Out What You Can Eliminate

One of the most frustrating things I see business owners go through is creating and doing a bunch of tasks that they don’t even need to be doing at that point in time for their business.

You don’t need to be doing 1000 tasks every week in your business, you simply need to be doing the 5-10 things every week that you know will get you the results NOW that you’re looking for, then you can look to build in the future.

This means you don’t need to try and be on every social media platform, you don’t have to send out 3 emails a week, and you don’t need to overstretch yourself to the point of exhaustion. Figure out those key things to be doing, eliminate the rest, and if you need to, you can always revisit them at a later time.

Figuring Your Business Out

If you’re thinking, “Yeah this sounds great Christina, but I’m not even sure where to start or what tasks I should and shouldn’t be doing,” then book a call with me. I’d be happy to do a FREE audit of your business as well as help you game plan on where to go from there!

Book a FREE call HERE today!

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